Cagnus Marlsen
2020-08-08 17:41:21 UTC
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I am new to chess. I have tried to learn checkmate from the video lesson in chess24 website. There, in one question, it marked my answer wrong and said that it was not checkmate. Can anyone please explain the reason ?


I do apologize if I asked anything stupid. Thanks in advance.

有趣的是,此舉已記入Qc8#。不是Qc8 +或Qc8#。他們在分析中承認您的舉動是對的。
“ @David”您能舉一個我沒有人編程的計算機的例子嗎? -積累並沒有說問題是因為計算機是由人編程的。他們說,問題是因為*編寫此程序的*人/人搞砸了。而且你知道這一點。您也了解批評。因此,也許不要假裝不知道人們在說什麼,不要再爭論只是在爭論,而要說“哦,是的,好點子”。
八 答案:
Blunder King
2020-08-08 17:53:42 UTC
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Welcome to Chess Stack Exchange.

I believe you're doing well here. It is surely a checkmate. Probably the website isn't programmed that way to recognize that move. But, as per your question, this is clearly a checkmate that resembles the one-rook-mate pattern.

David S.
2020-08-09 03:05:53 UTC
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The sidebar says "1. Qe7# (1. Qc8#) (1. Qb8#)".

In case you're not yet familiar with chess notation, this means:

  • 1​. (White's move number 1)
  • Q (the Queen)
  • e7 (moves to space E7)
  • # (and checkmates.)

After that, your move "(1. Qc8#)" is highlighted in red, indicating it was not one of the answers they were looking for. But note that it is given the checkmate mark (#), confirming that your move in fact a correct move, one that they simply forgot to include in the list of answers.

"(1. Qb8#)" written at the end is an additional move which are equally as valid as the first one. Qc8# should have been included here, but it was mistakenly left out.

@CaptainMan: Qc8#不是列出的解決方案之一。那是我評論的重點,儘管也許我並沒有很清楚地表達它。如果用戶進行的舉動不是列出的解決方案之一,那麼chess24將此舉動插入解決方案列表,並以紅色顯示,以明確表示這是錯誤的。這就是這裡發生的情況-僅列出了兩種解決方案,以及“錯誤的”移動Qc8#。
@Stephen我明白您的意思了。就像說“ 2的平方根是-2, 0 ,+ 2”之類。 (它不允許在註釋中添加標記,我正在嘗試使0劃掉。)
@Mohirl:是的,它說有三種解決方案,但是他們忘記添加其中一種。如果用戶執行Qe7#或Qb8#以外的任何移動,它將與1.Qe7#和1.Qb8#一起顯示為紅色。 (我沒有在此特定練習中嘗試過此操作,但這是Chess24上的拼圖通常的工作方式-這不是他們唯一錯過了將死的人。)
2020-08-09 15:09:55 UTC
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That is checkmate. You are simply using a bad tool.

For simple mate in one exercises I recommend my own website.For example, this link https://www.apronus.com/chess/puzzles/mate-in-1/?2vs1 has mate in 1 puzzles where the stronger side has two chessmen against a lone king. The good points about my system are:

(1) all alternatives are accepted,

(2) if you play an incorrect move then the computer will simply reply with a move that demonstrates that there was no checkmate after your first move.

Moreover, you can study the checkmate position by trying to make moves with the checkmated side. Then you will see arrows pointing to moves that would capture the king.

You can also move on a step further and try to solve puzzles where the task is to avoid getting mated on the next move. For example https://www.apronus.com/chess/puzzles/mate-in-1-avoid/?2vs1 has the same positions as the first link but now you play with the lone king to avoid mate.

More puzzles for beginners are listed on the table of contents at https://www.apronus.com/chess/puzzles/

2020-08-09 04:10:28 UTC
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這一定是代碼(可能是問題)或客戶端或服務器(非常問題)的問題可能性不大,但情況可能如此)。您還可以學習其他國際象棋網站,例如 https://lichess.org/learn#/ https://www.chess.com/lessons


Peter Cordes
2020-08-10 00:11:52 UTC
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The website (or that chess problem on that site specifically) is clearly buggy.
All 3 of the moves listed as correct answers are mates, and even shown with #
Qe7# Qc8# Qb8#

My guess as to what happened:

  • The web site supports various different kinds of problems, including "one correct move".
  • It doesn't have a chess engine checking for mates, just that they match some pre-programmed answers. It relies on humans to set up the correct-answer conditions separately from the question and answer text. (Introducing the possibility of human error causing this problem.)
  • A human entered correct problem and answer text, but accidentally marked it as only the first answer being correct. Or some kind of syntax error or other mis-use of the problem-setting tools that made the website not understand that any of the answers were valid.

That would explain why all 3 listed moves have a # checkmate symbol after them: those are manually-entered text, and the web site doesn't truly know they're checkmates. Or doesn't know that they question is looking for checkmates, because programming that is separate from writing the text.

In future, if you encounter something online that seems to be telling you something that seems wrong, you can load up the position in a chess engine you trust and try it. Maybe you'll find there was a legal move you didn't spot.

As a beginner (or for any human) it's certainly possible to make mistakes. But this case is simple enough that it's pretty easy even for me (very much non-expert) to be pretty sure that all 3 of those moves are mates, and that there aren't any other mates. But it wouldn't take much more complexity for me to not be sure if a problem was buggy or if I was missing something.

In this case, the 3 listed moves that pop up being shown with # makes it fairly clear it's a bug, though.

2020-08-11 13:08:07 UTC
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  1. 由於白皇后可以在第八行的任意位置移動,因此白皇后確實可以控制黑國王
  2. 黑皇沒有任何動作可以阻止。它有五種可能的移動方式,其中第二行到第八行,正如我們剛剛提到的,由白女王覆蓋,第三行到第七行,所有這些都由白國王覆蓋。
  3. ol>


2020-08-10 04:55:39 UTC
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2020-08-10 12:59:33 UTC
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The highlighted "Qc8#" in your screenshot means, I think, that the displayed move is not the one you made but Qc8# (which means that the queen moves to the c8 square, effecting checkmate). You probably made a different move which is not shown in your screenshot.

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